Download a free copy of "Father, Son, 3-Mile Run", the inspirentional book by Keith J. Leenhouts.
"Where have all the fathers gone? Why do we put so many tasks before fatherhood? Why do we spend time around the house, at our jobs, at our golf games, at everything but fatherhood?" -- Keith Leenhouts For those of us who were abandoned, neglected, or abused by our fathers, reading this book is like finding a diamond in the sand. We desperately need examples of the love we longed for. We need role models for effectively relating to our own children. This book will provide just that. An exemplary story of a father and a son, Father, Son, 3-Mile Run will captivate and inspire all readers. Men and women alike will benefit from this book's message -- fathering is not just a title...it is love, dedication, and hard work. "A society depends on fathers, especially fathers who take that responsibility seriously. Today, tragically, millions of fathers simply don't know how; this book is a moving graduate course in how it's done." -- Pat Boone "An inspiring story that stirs the hearts of fathers and their children. This book will help fathers gain a vision for their vital role in the lives of their kids." -- Ken R. Canfield, Ph.D., President, National Center for Fathering "A master storyteller, Keith Leenhouts keeps you turning pages and saying, 'Yes,' Using his own history as an example, Judge Leenhouts insightfully focuses on the critical issues of nurturing a young man into adulthood. "An investment in this book could change your life. Certainly this account is one of the most moving examples of the power of God's love and faith that I've seen." -- Joe Aldrich, President Emeritus, Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary "As a volunteer probation officer, I learned first-hand that young lives can be reclaimed by people who care. Judge Leenhouts' inspirational book underscores my experience." -- David Yount, Syndicated Columnist and best-selling author The Author: Honorable Keith James Leenhouts is one of our nation's pioneers if rehabilitation programs using citizen-volunteers in court. For the past forty years he has spoken to thousands of churches, civic groups, judicial conventions, universities, and other groups interested in establishing court-volunteer programs. For more information about Court Mentoring programs, click here
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